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"Coming out to Pullman tonight a sense of harmony comes to our hearts. Each detail in its proper place and proportion. The buildings for labor are not joined to the fireside. Home, and shop, and church, and opera house, and library, and railway station are where each should be, and, instead of making a discord, they verify to the full definition of him who said that 'architecture is frozen music."
--Professor David Swing, April 1883
Check the following links for Pullman Events!
Events at the Pullman State Historic Site
- A full calendar listing of Pullman State site events!
Historic Pullman Foundation Calendar of HPF Events
- Events and Tours incuding The Annual Pullman House Tour
Historic Pullman Garden Club Calendar of Events
- Lecture series, Victorian Tea, The Annual Pullman Garden Walk !
the cooperation operation
- Events Calendar
Pullman Labor Day Bike Ride
- Approximately 30+ miles, the route takes our riders through a varied landscape, from industrial sites to natural areas.
Pullman Hobo Fest
- Annual event celebrating the American Hobo
Pullman Historic District
on facebook for more Pullman events and happenings!
Guided Walking Tours of the Pullman Historic District First Sundays of the month from May to October, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Historic Pullman Foundation, a volunteer docent will take you on a guided walking tour and discuss Pullman's rich history and a first-hand glimpse at the ongoing restoration. The tour begins at the Pullman Visitor Center, 11141 S. Cottage Grove Ave., with an introductory video. Duration 2 hours. $5 adults, $4 seniors, $3 students, (773) 785-8901.
Hotel Florence Guided Tours – Sponsored by the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, groups tours can be scheduled in advance. Learn of the restoration and stabilization progress of the 1881 Hotel Florence as a docent will take you on a guided tour of the hotel where visitors will view some of the original rooms, and exhibits of original hotel furnishings and factory site. Free admission, open from 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday. Start: 11111 S. Forrestville Ave. Call Linda Bullen, curator, (773) 660-2341. NOTE: HOTEL IS CLOSED FOR RENOVATION.
Pullman Factory Guided Tours – Group tours available by advance arrangement and House Tour weekend. Sponsored by the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, a docent will take you on a guided tour of the Pullman Factory grounds. Learn how the original 1880 Pullman Factory and Clock Tower is being reconstructed/preserved and view exhibits of associated architectural artifacts. Get a close look at the premier landmark clock, rebuilt as it was originally constructed. Duration 90 minutes. Call (773) 660-2341.
Pullman & Gately Park Farmers Market – Wednesdays, 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., mid-June thru October. Originating from the Pullman Civic Organization's Community Improvement committee in 2002, the outdoor market offers several farmers with fresh produce, flowers, and seasonal plants. The Pullman Farmers Market is sponsored by the City of Chicago, Historic Pullman Foundation, and Pullman Civic Organization. Location - 111th Place & Cottage Grove Avenue. Free Parking.
Pullman Civic Organization – Monthly Membership "Town Hall" Meetings, Third Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. The Pullman Civic Organization holds monthly "Town Hall" meetings for residents to discuss issues relating to the Pullman community. This strong civic organization, which represents approximately 800 families, was founded in 1960, when the entire historic section of Pullman from 111th Street to 115th Street was threatened with total demolition to create an industrial park. Today several working committees strive to make Pullman a nice place to live. One such committe is the Beman Committee, a volunteer stewardship group, is available to help residents in any exterior restoration information. The 2006-07 year was a membership high with the majority of Pullman households continuing as members. Meetings are held at the Pullman Visitor Center, 11141 S. Cottage Grove Avenue.
Historic Pullman Garden Club – Monthly Membership Meetings first Tuesday of the month, 7:30 p.m. The Garden Club maintains the flower beds and assists in beautifying Pullman's public parks including Arcade Park, Pullman Park, Hotel Florence Historic Rose Garden, Greenstone Herb Garden, Fulton Field (Langley Park), the 115th Street interstate ramp, and Gateway Garden—a city award-winning park at our neighborhood’s entry at 111th Street & Langley Avenue. The Club has more than 75 members and a core group of volunteers continue to beautify the neighborhood. Meetings are monthly, first Tuesday. Occasional lectures and field trips are planned throughout the year. Membership is open to all.
Disclaimer: Tours do not cancel for inclement weather. Events subject to cancel without notice. CONTACT THE EVENT TO CONFIRM!
Information contained in these pages is deemed reliable BUT is in no way guaranteed accurate. It is recommended that the telephone numbers listed be used to verify; Times, Dates, Locations, Costs, Etc. Thanks for visiting the Pullman Community site!