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![]() Click on "Pullman" to return to main page "It is a beautiful theory that the people of a small town come together and support one strong union church.... But this plan will never work in practice.... Only a few men are broad enough to listen with patience to any but their own preachers." -1883, Mrs. Duane Doty, The Town of Pullman Groups / Organizations / Clubs Pullman Civic Organization Pullman Civic Organization (PCO) - The Pullman Civic Organization holds monthly "Town Hall" meetings for residents to discuss issues in the Pullman community. This strong civic organization, which represents approximately 800 families, was founded in 1960, when the entire historic section of Pullman from 111th Street to 115th Street (also originally known as the Original Town of Pullman) was threatened with total demolition to create an industrial park. The Organization defeated the proposal and has begun a lengthy process of improving the community. The Organization continues to preserve the historic nature and quiet atmosphere of this landmark community. Today several volunteers and working committees strive and continue to make Pullman one of Chicago's most interesting, nice, and safe places to live. Meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at the Historic Pullman Visitor Center, 11141 S. Cottage Grove Avenue. Membership is open to all residents and to all property owners. Annual Membership dues support the Organization's activities. Mailing Address - c/o Pullman Civic Organization, Hotel Florence, 11111 S. Forrestville Avenue, Chicago, IL 60628. Monthly Meetings.Historic Pullman Foundation Historic Pullman Foundation (HPF) - "Who Saves A Landmark?.... We All Do"The Historic Pullman Foundation (HPF) was established in 1973 as 501(c)3 Illinois not-for-profit organization to carry on preservation of major buidlings and to become an educational resource of the Pullman Historic District. The preservation of the Hotel Florence has been one of the foundation's highest priorities since HPF purchased the Hotel in 1975 to save it from neglect and opened a restaurant and museum. In 1991, HPF sold the Hotel Florence to the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency (now undergoing renovation), in conjunction with the state's agency purchasing the Factory and Clock Tower complex for a proposed museum. In 1993, HPF opened the Pullman Visitor Center (Located at 11141 S. Cottage Grove Ave.) which hosts exhibits and tours. In 2000, HPF received a $1.1-million Illinois First grant to rehabilitate the burnt-out Pullman Market Hall. The HPF Board of Directors is doing a study and an extensive stabilization of the building for future use. Historic Pullman Foundation (offices) 614 E. 113th Street, Chicago, IL 60628 Tel: (773) 785-8181 Fax: (773) 785-8182 Visitor Center (773) 785-8901. Go to the site: The Pullman House Project The Pullman House Project - is being developed by the Bielenberg Historic Pullman House Foundation in cooperation with the Historic Pullman Foundation to interpret life in the Town of Pullman during the period of Pullman Company ownership, 180 to 1910. The first home in the Pullman House Project is the Thomas Dunbar House. Through this executive house we will interpret the story of Thomas Dunbar as he rose through the ranks of Pullman's Palace Car Company from an immigrant carpenter in 1885 to the Superintendent of the Works in charge of all Pullman manufacturing. This American story includes glimpses into the life of Thomas Dunbar and his family over the 25 years they lived in Pullman. Once the Dunbar House has been completed the Pullman House Project will develop housing exhibits to showcase the family lives of Pullman workers at all skill levels of employment. At this time the Dunbar House is open for group tours by special arrangement through the Historic Pullman Foundation. (see above)Beman Committee The Beman Committee - A standing committee of the Pullman Civic Organization, the Beman Committee was formed in 1968 to research and document the history of the Pullman community, a necessary step in the acquisition of the various landmark designations. The research continues and is made available to homeowners and other interested parties to aid in the restoration and appreciation of their Pullman homes. In 2002, the Beman Committee, a volunteer stewardship group, published and distributed to every homeowner a "Homeowners Manual" that helps explain the importance of Pullman's National Landmark status and to help assist property owners understand and appreciate the restoration process. The manual is ongoing and expanding and available for all new residents. In 2004, The PCO Beman Committee created the first Historic Pullman Homeowner's Assistance Restoration Matching Fund, which awards a reimbursement of up to $1000 for restoration guidelines for returning or restoring original facade features; the program is annually announced and about 5-7 homeowners each year have benefited; only restoration projects based on original Beman designs may qualify (which means no vinyl windows, etc.). The committee is also compiling original drawings and photos for reference to aid homeowners in rehabilitation projects.Contact: Rebecca Buchmeier, co-chair email:> Contact: John Christie, co-chair email: Garden Club Historic Pullman Garden Club - formed in 1991 as the Arcade Park Garden Club, originally the "Barrett Committee of the Pullman Civic Organization", began with only three members. The club recently changed its name with more than 75 enthusiastic members, and still growing! This active group maintains the flower beds in Arcade Park, Pullman Park, Cloister Garden Herb Garden at the Greenstone Church, Fulton Field, Langley Playlot, and Gateway Garden. Gateway Garden recently won the "best new urban corner gateway garden" award from the City of Chicago Park District. The Club itself is a member of the Chicago Botanic Garden. The club is currently working the Park District on their newest neighborhood park at 114th Street & Langley Avenue, creating quality green space on a former 2-acre industrial site. Monthly meetings (first Tuesday of each month) with occasional guest speakers and demonstrators as well as hosting the annual Pullman Garden Walk are a few of the many activities performed. New members welcomed and open to all. Historic Pullman Garden Club, mailing address: c/o Hotel Florence, 11111 S. Forrestville Avenue, Chicago, IL. 60628Go to the site: Pullman Urban Gardeners (PUGs) is a grassroots group of volunteers who promote the growing urban agriculture movement and seek to provide our community with a safe and productive space in which to grow food. They operate an organic community garden located on the site of the former Pullman Palace Car Factory, and built by hand from reclaimed materials found in situ. Pullman residents who attend 50% of regular meetings and twice-weekly work days are eligible for a 40-sq-ft, ADA-compliant raised bed, selected by lottery in January for the following season. The group is open to all Pullman residents who comply with the group's bylaws. Join our FaceBook group to get updates on harvesting and community events, or email Jill Murtagh, Volunteer Coordinator jillmurtagh@wowway.comThe Cooperation Operation The Cooperation Operation is a group of food justice activists on the Southeast side of Chicago dedicated to greater health from individual, person-to-person, and environmental perspectives. Using the pre-existing social and ecological landscapes we will create a series of local and sustainable developments to serve as material resources for our community. By building the infrastructure for a high yielding community garden we aim to construct a safe community space for educational, economic and environmental opportunities. Phone: 773-609-3389 Arts PullmanArts builds upon the historic beauty, artistry and skilled craftsmanship that was synonymous with the name Pullman. In partnership with Artspace, Inc. and Chicago Neighborhood Initiatives, we are in the planning phase of re-purposing historic structures as artist live/work spaces. Toward this end, we partner with a wide variety of organizations to bolster Pullman’s historic and contemporary reputation as an arts hub. Knit n Crochet: Pullman Knit n Crochet: We meet every Sunday at a Pullman home. All yarn arts and experience levels welcome. We often have extra yarn and hooks/needles around to borrow. Feel free to stop in, chat, and see what we are working on! To be included on the email list or have questions contact Jill at or Christina at We also have a Pullman Knit 'n Crochet facebook group at Pullman Beekeepers The Pullman Beekeepers tend almost a dozen active colonies in the Pullman Community Apiary, located on the site of the former Pullman Factory. The 'Pullman Beeks' are not required to reside in Pullman, but must purchase and maintain their own bees and equipment and must complete a six-week training led by mentor and Master Gardener Edith McDonald. The apiary is regularly inspected by the IL Dept. of Agriculture, and the Beeks are encouraged to use gentle, low-impact methods of apiculture. For more information or a schedule of upcoming classes, join our FaceBook group or contact Jill Murtagh at - and please remember to always buy local honey!Pullman Morris and Sword team Members meet once a week to practice this traditional English folk dance. Performing annually on May Day (or close to it) in Arcade Park, the team travels throughout the Midwest to join other groups in the Midwest Morris Ale, held over Memorial Day weekend. For information contact Andy Bullen abullen@ameritech.netGALA Gay & Lesbian Association (GALA) Pullman - Formed in the spring of 1996, the Gay and Lesbian Association (GALA) provides a visible reminder that gays and lesbians have been a part of the fabric of Pullman for a long, long time. The group holds monthly potluck business meetings; generally on the forth Sunday of each month. The main focus of GALA is social. Along with our monthly pot luck business meetings, our members get together for movies, trips to various historic sights, dinners out, antique and flea market jaunts, weekend trips to northern Michigan, concerts and many gay and lesbian sponsored events. While GALA is primarily a social organization, we take very seriously our responsibility to help maintain the historic district in which we live. Many of our members volunteer as tour guides and docents at the Hotel Florence and Pullman Visitor Center, open their homes during the annual House Tour. Since it's inception, GALA has taken on the task of keeping 111th Street and portions of Cottage Grove Avenue free of litter and trash and in the maintaining the north gardens of the Hotel Florence. New members are always welcome. For information contact Kris Thomsen kristoferthomsen@aol.comPullman Juniors and Seniors Group Created by the Pullman Civic Organization, this organization sponsors weekly gatherings and field trips for the senior citizen residents. Many of Pullman's life-long residents have remained in Pullman since the 1910s, '20s, '30s, and '40s. Contact - Cecelia Swiontek, President. Write to: Seniors, c/o Historic Pullman Center, 614 E. 113th Street, Chicago, IL 60628Bridge Club Several Bridge groups currently exist in Pullman. Throughout the week , at various times, you can find Bridge being played. For information contact Kris Thomsen kristoferthomsen@aol.comWine Club The Wine Club meets the first Friday of the month except in December, June and July. A theme is chosen for the year. This year the focus is on Spanish wines. Previous themes have been wines from France, Australia, California, wines under $10, etc..... For information contact Lorraine Brochu lcbrochu@uchicago.eduLady's Luncheon Group Women in the neighborhood meet once a month, during the week, for lunch and conversation. The group explore various restaurants throughout the South-side and suburbs. Contact Norma Zarris![]() Information contained in these pages is deemed reliable BUT is in no way guaranteed accurate. It is recommended that the telephone numbers listed be used to verify; Times, Dates, Locations, Costs, Etc. Thanks for visiting the Pullman Community site! |
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